

Global Rebrand

The VISA Innovation Visuals make invisible aspects of the VISA Brand Identity visible.

They provide a broad range of formats as moving image and stills to be used in high resolution print campaigns to social media video clips.

FIELD developed a collection of immersive imagery, each speaking to a different core Visa B2B attribute — speed, scale, security, and connectivity.

Scale is used in contexts where the scale & dimension of the VISA payments network has to be communicated.

Visual composition & the narrative represent an infinite flow of transactions and data.

Speed is used in contexts where speed & efficiency of the VISA payments network has to be communicated.

Visual composition & the narrative also represent reliability and precision.

Security is used in contexts where the security & safety of the VISA payments network has to be communicated.

Visual composition & the narrative represent a shield that is build around a sphere to protect it.

Visual composition & the narrative of the Connectivity visuals represent an insane amount of units participating in the VISA payments network and how they connect with each other.

Each particle acts as visual atoms that represent the Visa network in an abstract way. They can take any form or shape and show smart behavior driven by external or internal forces.

Executive Creative Direction

Marcus Wendt


Vera-Maria Glahn

Creative Director

Paul Brenner

Executive Producer

Jamie Raap


Tom Feustel

Art Direction + Animation

Julien Bauzin

Art Direction + Animation

Margot Hofmans

Art Direction + Animation

Nico Le Dren

Art Direction + Animation

Julian Braun


Sensing Spaces

OVO Energy



System Aesthetics


© FIELD 2024