
Generative Design


Quantum Brand Visuals


A cohesive visual brand language developed for IBM Quantum, spanning digital, product and events. A generative brand tool provides a stream of captivating assets that resonate with IBM’s Quantum identity, mirroring the adaptability and scalability of quantum computing.


Inspired by the three fundamental principles of quantum computing the brand becomes a visual playground for exploring the dynamic interplay of quantum states, these are translated into interactive metaphoric visual parameters.

Super Position

A qubit's ability exist in multiple states simultaneously, enabling complex computations, representing a continuum of values.


A phenomenon where qubits become interconnected in such a way that the state of one instantly influences the state of another, regardless of distance.


the combination of multiple quantum states, leading to the amplification or cancellation of probabilities, which is crucial for executing quantum algorithms.

Generative Brand Tool

Designed to explore the intricate relationship and interplay of quantum states, a generative tool sits at the heart of the brand visuals. Brand tools allow for the efficient and adaptable creation, of an infinite array of new and unique assets, seamlessly aligning with the brand identity and allowing for effortless scalability.

Quantum Summit: Dawn of a New Era

The 2023 IBM Quantum Summit heralds the dawn of a new era for Quantum Utility. Drawing inspiration from the captivating qualities of first light in the natural world, we built upon and evolved the brand visuals, to symbolise the inception of this transformative journey. A generative dawn evolves throughout the course of the day, forever adapting the light washing throughout the venue.

The Anatomy of Dawn

Dawn's shifting colours mirror the phases of our own progression. Each individual embraces the Dawn uniquely, finding their own inspiration. Data was used to create a unique takeaway for each attendee, in the form of a personalised generative visual based on their location, to be printed on their badge and invite.

Creative Director

Xander Marritt

Creative Director

Paul Brenner


Tom Feustel

Digital Artist

Jann Choy

Digital Artist

Max Palmer

Digital Artist

Riccardo Torresi

Digital Artist

Xander Marritt

Digital Artist

Marta Pienkosz

Digital Artist

Dominique Dautheribes

Original Music by

Asako Fujimoto

Senior Client Partner

Celine Parun


Rise: Intelligent Retail System


Quantum Brand Ecosystem

OVO Energy



© FIELD 2024