

Aggregate States


Büchi manufactures cutting edge scientific instruments used in laboratories all around the world.

Their products are highly complex — they require specialist knowledge and most of what they do is invisible to the human eye.

A unique visual language to bring Büchi's science to life and provide a beautiful + intuitive access to the brand.

Spray Drying

Spray drying is a method to dry solid substances from aqueous or organic solutions, emulsions and suspensions. During the process, a spray dryer atomizes a liquid feed into fine droplets and evaporates the organic solvent with a hot drying gas.


Chromatography is one of the most powerful methods for separating a sample, such as a synthesized mixture or a biological crude extract, into its single components. It is a common technique used in many scientific fields, including pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, and environmental analysis.

Rotary Evaporation

The rotary evaporation technique + distillation process are used to remove volatile solvents from liquid mixtures through vaporization and subsequent condensation.

Research + Development

Creative Lead

Julien Bauzin

Executive Producer

Jamie Raap


Tom Feustel

Digital Artist

Julian Braun

Digital Artist

Margot Hofmans


Max Palmer

Digital Artist

Phil Bonum

Digital Artist

Rosie Emery

IKEA Space10

Sonic Healing


Infinite Earth Song

OVO Energy



© FIELD 2024