

AI Persona Signatures


Empathetic Ai Persona Signatures

Empathetic Ai Persona Signatures

As the increasing trajectory towards virtual integration only looks to expand, the inevitability + opportunity for us to explore and co-exist in these parallel virtual spaces is only becoming more of a reality.

A relatively short history has taught us about the complexities around identity, peoples predicament with their own personification in virtual spaces. Questions of perception, society and culture. –How should I look?How do i want to be perceived? What will people think of me?

Society sadly is conditioned to hide less desirable emotion states by using non-verbal communication, suppressing the vulnerabilities that make us human, to mislead.

The reality more than often is, that these customisable personas offered to us do very little to capture or translate our truest personas and in fact, act more like disguises – costumed veils that obscure the nuances and traits that make us human.

Further more, our attempts to make these cartoon emoji’s, uncanny valley, 3d scanned photo realistic avatars embodied, is subject to repeated failure – as the disguise has already been cast.

With this all being said and done, our voice’s do offer hope and maybe a simple solution.

Voice could be the dominant sense in all future communication, both in modality + personification.

Could we dial into this dominant sense, tuning our intuitive abilities to not only hear voice but connect to it, to sync with it, to feel the emotive presence of others?

The acoustic cues conveying voice emotion— consisting of pitch (fundamental frequency), loudness (intensity), rhythm (duration of segments and pauses), and timbre (distribution of spectral energy) —are modulated by physiological factors (e.g., heart rate, blood flow, muscle tension) that vary as a function of a person's emotional state. – (Banse and Scherer, 1996; Grandjean et al., 2006) check source.

Combining voice with empathetic ai in an attempt to create truer representations, fluid digital identities.

Voice responsive, ai empowered, persona signatures.

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